Tyler Lynch

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What is this TAXSPEAK name “THRESHOLD” mean ?
In 2013 there are additional Medicare Taxes of 9/10 of 1% imposed on wages, and sell employment compensation for those whose employment amounts are above a THRESHOLD amount.
Married Filing Jointly  $                       250,000
Married Filing Separate  $                       125,000
Single  $                       200,000
Head of Household  $                       200,000
Qualifying Widow(er)  $                       200,000
So if your tax status is above the THRESHOLD AMOUNT, your Medicare Tax will be higher, otherwise no change from your current status.
There is also a new “Net Investment Income Tax” of 3.8 % for those whose “Modified Adjusted Gross Income” (MAGI) is as follows:
Married Filing Jointly  $                       250,000
Married Filing Separate  $                       125,000
Single  $                       200,000
Head of Household  $                       200,000
Qualifying Widow(er)  $                       200,000
Certain Estates and Trusts, with undistributed investment income  $                         11,950
The actual calculation of the new medicare and the net investment income tax is more complex than determining whether something is above a Threshold Amount. However, the concept of using Threshold Amounts in calculating taxes is found throughout the Internal Revenue Code. Another way to express “THRESHOLD AMOUNT” is to say “more than” .

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